Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mother's and Father's Day

Well our first Mother's and Father's days with Luke have come and gone, but I've finally finished this post I've been working on for quite awhile. We had wonderful celebrations with lots of food, cards, and special gifts. The pictures are from Luke's birth to May 10th with me & June 21st with Matt (our special days). Luke is asleep in most of the pictures, which is very fitting for the song.

My sweet Luke,

I am so thankful that God answered our prayers for a baby! It is such a blessing to be your mom. I can't count how many people have told me what a wonderful personality you have. You are such a happy baby! I had no idea what the first few months of life with a newborn would be like. Feeding you every 3 hours, getting an hour of sleep here and there, and wondering if I'll ever be able to keep a clean house again. Going to numerous doctors visits made us get out and about a lot sooner than we would have otherwise. I think all that you've been through in your short life has made us both stronger. God is helping us along this journey and I know that He will always guide us if we seek Him. You always hear that life will never be the same once you have children. It's so true.....I get to see you look at me with those precious eyes, you hold my hand, you have lots of smiles, and the most precious laugh. I love to see you learning and growing. You are a gift from God, and I love you so much!


To my son,

From the first time that I was with you in the nursery at the hospital, I knew that I wanted to take care of you, protect you, and be with you! God is such an awesome God and I thank Him so much for you. As my love for you has grown, it amazes me all the more that God sent His only Son to die for us!! I will definitely fail you, but I want you to know that I will always try to love you like God loves us. I look forward to where God will take our family in the coming years and I pray that you will be a believer in my risen Lord and Savior! As my father has imparted wisdom and knowledge to me, I will try to pass that wisdom to you.

I love you, buddy!!!!


Katie J said...

Precious! I loved your video- how Luke has grown! So sweet!

Grammie said...

Thanks for making Grampa and I cry!! Luke is so precious, and we love him so much. We are so blessed to have Luke, Haven, and Elijah as our dear grandchildren. May the Lord always keep them so very close to Him!

lydia said...

I love Luke too!

Jason Taylor and family said...

HI guys - how sweet to share your feelings for Luke with the rest of us! Being a parent does change you, does make you stronger and it only gets better!!! (Harder at times, yes, but so rewarding!) Luke is a very blessed baby boy. God bless you guys, Christie

Beth said...

What a sweet video. I love the music you used, so perfect. Can you believe how much time gone by already since Luke was born? I feel like I can blink and the time just skips away.