Monday, January 25, 2010

My Jesus is Still the Same

You've just gone for a routine ultrasound and are told that your child is not going to live. What is your response?

I spent several months reading Angie Smith's blog about her sweet family. (Her husband, Todd, is the lead singer of the Christian group Selah.) I have laughed, cried a lot, and been SO encouraged! Her faith is amazing!! She is so honest about her hurt, grief, anger, & pain....but she can say "My Jesus is Still the Same"! You will be so blessed by reading her story...Audrey's story...

1 comment:

Beth said...

I've been back-tracking through your blog, catching up on Luke's doings. I read Audrey's story sometime around Wes's birth (before or after is a little fuzzy), and it IS a very touching story. Her faith through all that is amazing. Did you read about their nephew's death, too?