Monday, August 10, 2009

4th of July weekend

Every 4th of July we go to Uncle Stanley and Aunt Sharon's for LOTS of food as we relax to the sounds of the country. So here are some pictures from our Fun on the Farm......

This was Luke's Great Grandfather's tractor that Pa used to drive around. The house in the background is where Pa grew up.

Luke is wearing his first 3-6 month outfit, which MeMa gave him.
Congratulations to Aunt Barbara who is going to be wed to Mr. Billy this Fall!
Uncle Leslie gave Luke a very fun musical
toy! It's great because you can take it with you when a mobile, etc. isn't available.
Be sure to check out the video to see how cousin LaConda made Luke laugh this hard for the first time.

I guess no visit to the farm is complete without finding a tick on someone. I'm so glad Pa spotted this, and from quite some distance, I might add.

Back at our house we got to grill hamburgers and hot dogs with Grammie and Grampa. We didn't watch any fireworks this year, but there were lots of them going off. We wondered it Luke would wake up, but he slept like a baby :) Poor Jasie was just as scared as always, but thankfully she didn't get lost on the farm this time!


Angela said...

Ewwww...a tick!!!!


Great pictures!

Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! I had lost your blog address, but now I have added it to my Google Reader so it can do all the work and let me know when you've updated!! :)

Justin and Elizabeth said...

Reagan has the same seahorse and she loves it! So much so that we got her soon to be cousin the same one.