Sunday, May 3, 2009


Easter Sunday was the second time Luke had been to church. Momma and Luke made it into the sanctuary right as Bro. Dean was starting to preach. Luke wasn't quite asleep yet so they ended up listening to the sermon in the vestibule. They rejoined the congregation for the closing song. It was a great morning!! Our savior is ALIVE!!
While we were at church, the Easter Bunny brought by Jasie and Luke's Easter baskets. Luke received a blanket with his name and birth date on it, a book about the sun, a book with a bunny puppet, a stuffed bunny, a swimsuit and towel (to be used post casts), money for his piggy bank, and a summer outfit.

Jasie received 2 toys, cupcakes, bunny treats, towel wipes (which mean more walks!), and a bone. She was very excited about her and Luke's surprises!


Beth said...

How adorable Luke looks in his Sunday finery! Love the hat.

Someday soon, I want to hold that sweet baby! Give him a sqeeze from me.

Grammie said...

What a beautiful picture of you all on Easter morn! It looks like a familiar tradition for Luke and Jasie of finding the baskets on the deck. Luke is so adorable!!

Much love!