Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Luke is here!

Luke was born on 02/27/09 at 12:23 am. He weighed 5 lbs. 10 ozs. and was 20 inches long.

It sure was a long night for the grandparents!
They couldn't wait to hold him!

Daddy went to the nursery with Luke every time they needed to see him!

This was Saturday. I look much better than the day before :)

This was taken in the hospital room by the super nice nursery nurse right before we went home.
Luke's first car ride was on Sunday. They let us leave the hospital around 1:00 pm.

This is what our house looked like Sunday morning. Murfreesboro had 4 inches of snow Sat. night. There is still some left on the grass today.

Grammie brought Jasie back to our house Sunday morning so she'd be there when we got home. She let all the neighbors know that Luke had been born with this very cute balloon that played the song Baby Face and a super cute baby snowman!

Jasie loves to sniff Luke. She is being a great big sister!

Daddy has his arms full :)


Emily said...

Oh! I'm so happy for you all! Babies are the most precious gifts God could ever give us! I hope your Luke is as wonderful as ours!! I love the way he is waving in your family pics ! Must be very advanced for his age!! He is absolutely BEAUTIFUL :)

Unknown said...

Matt and Laura,

I really like the way that Luke is waving for the "nice nurse"! Being a parent is a GREAT Blessing - remember that during the early morning feedings. Luke is a beautiful boy!

Dwight and Pam