Luke turned 7 month's old on September 27th. Here are some things that happened during his 7th month of life, that haven't already been blogged about:
- Started several new foods (advanced cereal, bananas, butternut squash, pears, YoBaby plain yogurt, & mangos)
- Ate jarred food for the first time (bananas- while we were at the zoo)
- Started opening his mouth really well for the spoon & would even get excited when the spoon started coming towards him
- Started 'helping' me hold his food bowl (he ate much better this way)
- Increased his milk volume at the 7:00 pm feeding (to 185 ml)
- Increased the amount of solids he ate at each feeding (@ 4T instead of @ 2T)
- Started grabbing his feet when his shoes were off
- Rolled from his stomach to back (he didn't do this often- mainly did back to stomach)
- Started reaching for the remote control (so we gave him a play phone with buttons)
- Went for a checkup at Special Kids (he was doing so well they didn't need to see him again until Jan.)
Went for his 6 month checkup on Aug. 31st. He weighed 15 ls. 8 ozs. (15th percentile), was 24 3/4 inches long (3rd percentile), & had a head circumference of 43 1/2 cm (50th percentile). The doctor started him on a vitamin with iron since he doesn't drink a real large volume of milk (due to the large amt. of rice added to it). He got 1 shot & his last round of Roto Virus drops. The doctor was very pleased with how he was doing! This is the super cute outfit he wore for his checkup.Went outside for a picnic lunch with me & Jasie. (I LOVE the snow we've been getting, but pictures like this make me so glad we experience 4 seasons here in TN.) Notice where all his toys end up :0)
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