Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Medical Updates

We had GREAT news during the month of June. We praise God for His mercy and healing in Luke's life!

We visited the shoe fitter after Luke had been wearing the shoes for 2 weeks. He said "I've never seen anyone look this good".... in regards to his heel staying down, they weren't coming off, and he was so happy. Daddy is stretching his foot to help his heel cord lengthen.

We take his shoes off about an hour every day. He does enjoy "free feet time".

These next 2 pictures were taken while we were waiting to see his orthopedic doctor. I cannot tell you how glad I am that we no longer have weekly appointments with him! There was only 1 time that we didn't have to wait more than an hour before we were seen. This day we waited about 3 hours, the doctor came in said he looked great, we hurriedly asked our questions, and he was gone. Needless to say, we were VERY glad to hear that surgery is still not needed at this point. Just wish the "best orthopedic doctor in TN" wasn't so busy!

June 15th was a HUGE day in Luke's life!!! This was when he had his follow up appointments with the genetic and ENT doctors.

They had sent blood samples to several places (Mayo Clinic, Baylor University, etc.) for genetic testing. We were supposed to be contacted before our appointment if any of the tests came back with a positive result. However, some of the tests would take longer to run than others and we didn't know for sure when they would have all of the results back, or if they might have decided to wait until our appointment to give us all of the results. We were very nervous about this visit! One of the genetic counselors came in first to get family history, etc. During the middle of this she asked if we knew why we were here today....we said to find out the results of the blood work taken while he had been in the hospital. She looked at us and said that all the tests had come back negative. We felt a HUGE load lifted! Out of the hundreds of genetic disorders they tested for, Luke does not have any of them. PRAISE GOD! They want to follow up with him when he's a year old to see how he is doing developmentally.

His ENT follow up was much easier than we thought it would be since they did not have to do another scope of his throat. The doctor said again that he should out grow his laryngomalacia (floppy voice box) by about a year old and that everything else looked okay. He will see him again in 6 weeks.

We think this bib was perfect for his doctor visits that day. (Genesis1:31) Regardless of the outcome of our visits, Luke was made perfectly by God and what He has made is very good!

The ENT doctor is very tall. Daddy got to take a ride in a fun chair so they would be high enough for the examination.

Next was another swallow study. He had one done while he was in the hospital at the end of April and the results showed he did not aspirate when using the Haberman bottle, but did with a normal flow nipple. This time the results showed that he had trace amounts of aspiration with just the milk from the Haberman bottle. When the milk was thickened with rice cereal, he did not aspirate. He seems to like this mixture much better! It is easier for him to control since the milk isn't running to the back of his throat so quickly.

To end the month, I took him to his pediatrician because he had a strong cough. He had been coughing for quite some time, probably due to aspirating, but it had gotten worse. He got his first taste of bubble gum medicine. I wonder how many times he will have this during the next few years?


Katie J said...

Praise God! I think of you guys often knowing you have been through a whirlwind these past few months and I am amazed at your strength, gratitude and humbleness. God is good, God is good all the time and I am so glad you guys know that and believe it. Little Luke is blessed to have you as parents! So thankful to hear the good news regarding the genetic tests.

Grammie said...

Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude to God for His love and mercy toward Luke and us all! Luke is such a blessing and has put a lot of 'sunshine' in our lives! We love him so much!

Keith said...

Luke is very cute, and those are some slick plaid shorts on daddy.